Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore (Power)
1.790,00 €
4 students maximum
Not included:
- Examiner travel expenses and food (200€)
- RYA fees
An RYA YachtmasterCertificate of Competence signifies that a skipper is competent on a yacht to make passages up to 150nm from harbour (20nm for Coastal). The Yachtmaster can be taken under sail or power, there are two different preparation courses and exams.
The Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore is obtained by examination which involves exercises, challenges and tasks from any part of the syllabus to demonstrate the ability and confidence of the skipper.
We help you prepare, putting you in the best position for the exam.
Duration: 3 days preparation covering all skills, followed by 1-3 days of exam deoending on the quantity of students.
Not incluyed 100€ for food and examiner fees.
Type | Start date | Finish date | Schedule | Exam |
ON BOARD | 26/02/2024 | 29/02/2024 | 9 - 18 h | 01-02/02/2024 |
Conditions and requirements
Conditions and requirements
Prerequisites before the exam: A GMDSS Short Range Certificate (SRC) or higher marine radio certificate is required. A valid first aid certificate.
Minimum age: 17 years old
Yachtmaster Coastal exam prerequisites:
Minimum sea time: 30 days, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles, 12 hours at night (if you have the Coastal Skipper certificate this is reduced to 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles, 12 hours at night).
Yachtmaster Offshore pre-requisites exam:
Minimum sailing time: 50 days, 2,500 miles, including at least 5 passages of more than 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the port of destination, as skipper for at least two of these passages, and also including two that were overnight. 5 days of experience as skipper.
Application forms:
- Yachtmaster Exam Application
- Commercial Endorsement Application