Day Skipper Theory Course Online is an introduction to the theory of yachting, the basics of seamanship and essentials of coastal navigation and pilotage.
Previous experience: None.
Duration: 50 hours approximately
After 6 months, the course will expire.
Conditions and requirements
Prices includes:
- 14 lessons
- More than 30 quizzes and exercises that check your understanding of each topic
- 1000s of 3D images, animations, videos, downloadable resources and external references
- Instructor Support 7 days a week
- 12 months access
- Unlimited exam attempts
- RYA Course Completion Certificate when you’ve passed your exams
- 2 RYA Training Charts
- The RYA Training Almanac
- Course Handbook
Course topics include:
-Seamanship basics.
-Coastal navigation and pilotage essentials.
-Electronic charts.
-Plotting a course to steer.
-Weather forecasting and meteorology.
-Tides and tidal streams.
-Collision regulations.
-Construction, parts and equipment of a cruising boat.
-Emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, use of flares, etc.
-Safety harnesses, lifejackets and life-rafts.